Monday, February 14, 2011


Hi, this is Peg Moline, editor in chief of Natural Health and I think it's fitting that we're embarking on our 21-cleanse today, Valentine's Day, just a lovely thing to do.

To fill you in, a bunch of staffers in the Woodland Hills (Los Angeles) office and in the NY office chose this day, the day our March issue hits newsstand, to begin the Adventure Cleanse that Kris Carr outlines in Crazy Sexy Diet. Not only do we excerpt the book in our March issue, but we're also happy to announce that Kris has become our newest contributing editor.  And February 14, 2003 is the day she got the cancer diagnosis that changed her life forever.

On February 4, Kris (shown below) came to our offices and we had the most delicious vegan feast from Juicy Ladies (including two juices, a glorious green juice and Love Juice, made from beets, carrots, cucumber, ginger and other delicious vegetables).

That week kicked off our pre-tox week, the week leading up to the cleanse, during which we cut down and cut out caffeine, sugar, wheat, dairy and other animal products and oh yeah, alcohol.

Cutting out the coffee will definitely be the toughest, I know.

On Thursday we had Salad Thursday, and brought in all raw, vegan salads. I made my favorite, Kale salad with tahini dressing, dried cranberries and sunflower seeds. (That's a shot of all
the salads we had)

Over the weekend I continued the pre-tox week, and had my last drink on Saturday night.

This morning I drank hot water with lemon and ginger and made juice to sip on all morning (kale, mustard greens, romaine, broccoli, asparagus, ginger and one carrot). I have to be careful to make about 6 oz, then sip very slowly or it starts to affect my stomach.

To be honest, I may have a glass of Valentine's Day champagne tonight, but I may also resist.

Happy Valentines, and if you are joining us, go to the comments and let us know what you think what you're doing and where you're from!




  1. I read that you would be doing this detox in your magazine. I came on-line to check out how you are all doing.

    I went vegan last year after cutting down several foods one thing at a time. First, I gave up hamburgers. Then, I quit all red meats. Next out was chicken and turkey. Last in the meat group to go was fish and seafood.

    I quit drinking milk and eating eggs. Last to go was the cheese.

    Somewhere along the way I quit drinking fruit juices. Now I just ask for water with lemon when I go to eat. At my house, I have a big bottled water system with hot and cold water options.

    I love raw, organic veggies and hope that you all can inspire each other as well as others to make healthy eating choices.

    I am wishing you all the best!

  2. IAM,

    thanks -- it's going to change the way I eat forever.... Peg
